2022Day021: Uncletime is ALL the time.

2022Day021: I often say "Uncletime is ALL the time"... and I mean that. I was on my way home and saw my brother and his family riding by. The kids lit up and were yelling out the window and waving like there was a party in the van. I love my family. We work daily on building a legacy for the kids and we make sure they all know that they are loved. So any time uncles and aunts are around, they know they get spoiled, but also taught to be great humans. They know whey have a whole village behind them and we'll suppport them in anything they are inspired to do. I love to see the kids shine and I claim them all just like their mine, from the youngest to the oldest of about 20 nieces and nephews. I hope when I'm old they still have that same excitement to see me. I'll be that same #1 fan rooting for them and giving all the positive support they need. They are my future and I want my future to be great.

#bolofresche #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #rootedinlove