2022Day038: Spread Love Everywhere You Go
2022Day038: Spread love Everywhere you go. You don’t have to share the same language, money, skin color, age or whatever; Love Crosses All boundaries. A few years ago, I met a young queen in south Italy, who was a true inspiration to me. Her life & home situation was tougher than I could ever fathom but you’d never know because she shared so much love through Hiphop and dance. Meeting her brought my ego down a few notches and I'm thankful for thet life lesson. I thought I was doing big things and spreading so much love, but a little kid had So much more than I did. After interacting with her, I knew I could dig deeper, give more. I'm grateful to have met her and hope she is still influencing others. If you know me now, you know I keep my self surrounded with superhumans like this young queen. They're overflowing with love, so they always have lots to share. We keep each other charged and change the world slowly by spreading love together.
#bolofresche #8robinsons #rootedinlove