2022Day059: You Only Get One Body
2022Day059: I add bboying(breakdancing) in my workouts for core strength, flexibility, body control and balance. I cut down from heavier weights because I don't want to be a stiff beefcake dude. I'm usually more bulky than the average bboy but I work to stay toned. It's a great feeling to be able to move just as good as you did 20yrs ago. So I make sure I make the necessary sacrifices and dedicate time and energy into taking care of my body. I feel great as I continue working on my fitness goals. Starting my shred through March and April and reach my goals before school's out in May. You only get one body. Take care of it.
#bolofresche #8robinsons #untamedcreativebeings #supadopefresh #cantgitnofresher