2022Day077: Feeling good as I'm spending a little time planning for Spring/Summer events, and Season2 of our Supadopefresh Podcast and a new season of my life...
2022Day076: I want to connect with like-minded people and touch 1,000,000+ lives doing what I do supporting the youth and creating positive movements. We have been working on our podcast shows and creating our own network. We've sponsored events with the youth all over the world and are working on doing more...
2022Day075: I feel like I’m blessed beyond measure. So much that my prayers aren’t even regular. Sometimes it’s as simple as “Yo GOD, I see what you did there...
2022Day073: Love the life you live. Live the Live the Life you Love. Always make sure you have a love for how you're living. If yu don't, you need to make some changes in your actions people around you, job or whatever it is holding you back from loving your life...
2022Day056: If you want to make moves, find other people who are moving. They probably will be able to help you figure out how to get to you destination. Too many times in life, I see people trying to figure eveything out on their own. I find that aligning myself with other visionaries, who are making moves, helps us...
2022Day052: Do what you love, no matter what it takes or how long it takes to get to it. A FB memory popped up from 2012 and reminded me of what I’ve been through and where I’m aiming to go. So when I reach success, and I haven’t reached it yet, you won’t think it’s some instant thing. I’ve been working at it...
2022Day050: As the weather warms back up soon, I'm going to get back to doing what I do best, working and giving back in the Atlanta communities. Sometimes I get no rest but I love it. I've got more positive movements I'm working on so I'm getting ready to get back in action. I love getting out and sponsoring events...
2022Day044: It feels good to feel good. When you do what you love and love what you do, you genuinely feel good. I love being able to live free and just do things that I love to do. I'm still performing on stages, sponsoring events, traveling, teaching and just genuinely having fun. It doesn't take millions of dollars...
2022Day043: I wish I could get people to understand "the Lost Art of Listening". Sometimes it's good to sit & talk with someone older who can drop some knowledge on you. I was looking back at some memories today and came across the thought that as often as I can, I try to talk with my Popz(The O.G.) & my Momz(The Oracle). They've always got something to say that I learn from, even if we're just sitting there clowning and laughing...
2022Day40: Maybe I work so much with kids because they give me peace.... that age where they have not yet learned to be ugly, hateful or negative(Just true beautiful angels). When I'm down sometimes, I just think of some of the coolest kids I've known or all the good times I've had with my sibs' kids. If us grownups could just take our minds to early childhood years
2022Day033: Life is fun when you have fun doing life. Is what you do fun?? I have fun with everything I do. If it isn't fun, I Ain't doing it. I guess it goes with my "do what you love and love what you do" phylosophy on life. It makes life so much more pleasant when you actually have fun
2022Day032: Bboying(breakdancing) is great for me as I'm continuing to work on flexibility in my workouts. I want to be that old man one day with great mobility just like the old kung fu masters. I'm just as flexible as I was when I was 19 & 20yrs old... maybe more...