Bolo 365Days Positive
2022Day038: Spread Love Everywhere You Go
2022Day038: Spread love Everywhere you go. You don’t have to share the same language, money, skin color, age or whatever; Love Crosses All boundaries...
#bolofresche #8robinsons #rootedinlove
2022Day036: Failure
2022Day036: The thought of failure is rough for some. I'm kind of crazy and look at it differently. I've failed many times and it's never an end of the world type of feeling for me. Where I'm from(the bottom lol), there's never time to stop and cry about things, you just keep it moving... -
2022Day035: Smile at Adversity
2022Day035: I've been through some tough times and had plenty failures on my journey, but I have learned to smile at adversity and push right through it. When you are aiming for greatness, it's a guaruntee that you will fail multiple times and face plenty of adversity... -
2022Day030: Spend Time
2022Day030: Spending time with family is important to me. I always want my neices and nephews to know that the time I've spent with them is more valuable than any amount fof money I've spent on them. I don't have kids yet, but I'd want them to know that too. I make it a point to try and visit family as much as possible, show up for events and sports and be available as much as possible. I often say "uncletime is All the time" and I really mean that. I believe that the best thing you can do for kids is Show Up... -
2022Day029: Be Consistent
2022Day029: I make it a point to stay consistent in my actions. I've been spreading love and working with kids for a long time. We've traveled all over the place with family and with "HBO Crew" and brought many other kids with us from state to state. I've been able, in recent years, to travel to other countries and sponsor hiphop events for kids. I know most of my people think I just started.... -
2022Day027: Make it Through Anything
2022Day027: You never know what you can make it through until you get through what you're going through. And when you've been through it, it's nothing to go through what you need to get through... -
2022Day026: Give Freely
2022Day026: I was thinking of the financial side of things yesterday. The thought that I should never prosper by myself was the focus. I want to Always stay humble and Give Freely as I continue to grow financially. There is always someone or a few individuals along our financial journey who have helped us on the way and I think it's very important to do the same for others and give of my increase. I make sure it's never for show or reward when I give, but only out of love... -
2022Day023: Do What You Love
2022Day023: I often say that "I Do What I Love & Love What I do". And that is exactly what I do. When you live so free like that, it is just a great feeling and it's fun. I know it seems odd to many people when they see me do some of the crazy things I do at my age. I still do breakdance, still into fitness, my travel adventures and all kids of other things that guys my age have let go. But to me, it's no different than a martial arts master still cracking skulls.... -
2022Day022: Daily Selfcheck
2022Day023: As I do my daily selfcheck, I think about my pillars of life: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness & temperance. These are very simple life guides... -
2022Day021: Uncletime is ALL the time.
2022Day021: I often say "Uncletime is ALL the time"... and I mean that. I was on my way home and saw my brother and his family riding by. The kids lit up and were yelling out the window and waving like there was a party in the van. I love my family... -
2022Day019 - Who Am I??
2022Day019: Who Am I?? Ask yourself this question and keep it real with your answer. I have random thoughts and deep life questions often and this one popped in my head on this day. So I took a deep dive into my life to examin who I really am. I always say "I am Love", but am I really? I feel like I couldn't just say....
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